After completing my first underwater base, I already had ideas for a second one. However, it took me a long time to find a figure that fitted the idea I had in mind. Until this little miniature from the Twisted game miniature range caught my eye.
I made the entire base from scratch. I used greenstuff putty to make the fishes and the tube corals. The fan corals and the leafy algae were brass etched elements. The jellyfish were a successful experiment, which I made using acrylic gel hardened under a UV lamp and stretched pieces of cotton .
I wanted this setting to be quite different from my previous underwater base, which was set in a vibrant coral reef. This time, I went for a deeper water setting. At the same time, I wanted to hint to the lost city of Atlantis. This gave me the perfect opportunity to paint a backdrop for the base. Something I had never done before. I really enjoyed working on that.
Because of the deep water setting, I decided to keep a limited colour palette, using mostly blue and purple tints, with some accents in the golden NMM. The figure is extremely delicate, and I wanted to make sure that all elements could be made out clearly, whilst still keeping cohesion within the piece.
After completing this piece, I was very satisfied, as it turned out exactly as I had envisioned it. At the same time, it also gave me a big itch to start on another water base, for which I have some new ideas again 🙂