Hi everyone!
It’s been a while! I know the amount of posts is really low… I simply don’t have much time to write blog posts or work on step-by-steps. There is good reason for this: Last month I have submitted my PhD thesis :). Yeeahh!! These months I am really busy with preparing for my PhD defense, next to my (almost) fulltime job. So painting time is quite scarce lately, and blogging time even more.
I hope to make up for it after my defense is done and I am finally Dr. MaGie :P.
Anyway, I also wanted to share my latest miniature. This is a mini I painted as part of a mini exchange with Pascal Rooze. She is a 35mm figure from Scale 75, not a general release but she came with one of their Kickstarters.
I had some issues with this mini. It started with the cast quality, which was really not that good. Definitely not comparable to other 35mm miniatures from Scale 75. Then the mini is quite plain, which is OK. Bust my main problem was that the pose is not very inspiring to me, and she looks a bit awkward. Basically, I lost my motivation quite soon after starting and it was hard to start again. Then I decided to work on the face, that is always my favourite part to paint. It helped, giving her character made it easier to finish her ;).
So here she is, I call her “Steampunk Sally”.
She can also be found on Putty & Paint.
In between working on a commission I also almost finished another mini, which I will share with you soon :).