It’s been a while, I’ve been trying some new things:
– Using spray primer instead of paint on primer: I have to say: “This is hard!”, I really suck at this. The primer is way to thick, and much detail is lost. So I’m thinking this will be good thing for me if I have to prime many miniatures at one time, but there’s no way I’ll ever use it again when painting one mini.
– On the other hand, I’m very pleased with the white paint on primer I bought from Vallejo. It has great cover 🙂 Before I didn’t use specially designed primers, I just painted black or white acrylics as undercoat, but this is definitely a lot better, as grabbing the mini doesn’t result in paint ‘falling of’
– Used citadel washes for the first time. Very nice to use in blacklining minis that are primed white. I don’t think I’ll ever use it to really shade a miniature because I think the flow of the paint is still rather unpredictable.
So to show the result of some of my experiments, here is an Anubi Hero by Crocodile Games ( It is still a very early WIP.

So far: I primed it using Vallejo Foundation White, and then shaded the entire mini (exept for parts of the cloths I wanted to be white). I painted the white cloth using a mix of astronomical grey (GW) and skull white, and added skull white for the top layers and pure skull white for the highlights.
Next up will be painting it’s skin, which will be dark grey (skin colour used by Crocodile Games), the remaining cloths will be red, and I’m going to try some NMM (non-metallic metal) on the sword and dagger, we’ll see how it turns out 🙂
Any comments and advice is appreciated!