Hi everyone!
It’s time to share the second, and final, part of the Modelmates weathering & ageing products review. On the bottom of this article, after the review you can find two bases on which I have used the Modelmates products, including a step by step on creating one of the bases. I hope you enjoy the read 🙂
Disclaimer: This review contains products that I have received for review, from the Dutch webstore Scenery Workshop (retailer
for Modelmates). This, however, does not influence my personal
experience, and this review shall be completely unbiased 🙂
This part will focus on the following weatering effects:
- Rust effect liquid – Rust effect
- Track dirt liquid – Sidings
- Verdigris effect liquid – Blue
Rust effect liquid – Rust effect (18ml)

My experience
This is another great weathering liquid! Again with diluting the liquid with water, you can obtain different effects. Undiluted the paint is not completely covering the black on the test piece. It dries a little patchy and pools slightly. But the pooling effect is quite unpredictable, which makes it look really realistic. Thicker layers of paint will dry a little darker then thin layers. After drying it is still possible to smudge and soften edges, but thick patches of paint are hard to remove.
Track dirt liquid – Siding (18ml)

My experience
Boy oh boy!!! This is a miracle in a bottle! I honestly had no idea what to expect from this. But it is just so much fun! The paint is quite opaque, depending on how thick a layer you make. The colour is darker then the Rust effect liquid, but at first glance it seems to act similarly. But it doesn’t. It has such a funny way of drying. The layer becomes gritty and all different variations of brown appear. Smudging is possible, but the very unpredictable way this dries is really unique. The liquid gives things that extremely rusted look, were the rust is just eating the metals away. Somehow I could not show this effect on the swatches, but you can absolutely see it on the painted bases below.
The effect seems to get a bit stronger if you wait for sometime, like a few hours.
Verdigris effect liquid – Blue

My experience
This is again quite an unpredictable product. On the swatches is dries patchy and pools a bit. That is good for a verdigris effect, as it should give a strong effect on the inner part of the oxidized area. A thicker layer will dry almost completely opaque, but diluting works really well if you want a more subtle result. What I also saw in the great review by Massive Voodoo is that this effect needs some practice. The result can come off a bit too strong when you are not careful. I still need to practice more, but the first results are shown below.
Here you can see all the three liquids together: Left = Rust effect, Middle = Track dirt liquid, Right = Verdigris. Undiluted on the top and in the middle. With a strong dilution with water on the left and less dilution on the right.
Another great set of effects. These are a little more unpredictable (compared to the ones I presented in my previous review, but the effects are very natural. You can use dilutions to get weaker effects and smudging works for rust effects and slightly for the other two liquids. These three liquids do require a bit more practice, but I think Modelmates did a great job at creating all these different liquids which all create their own special effect. More tips are in my previous review.
In this short step by step, you can see how I used the Modelmates products on a SciFi base.
Step 1:
After priming the base (from Micro Art Studio) in black, I block in the basecoats:
The plating on the top is painted with Aluminium from the Vallejo Model Air paint line. The plating on the bottom is painted with Tin Bitz from Games Workshop (old colour). The yellow rim is painted using a mix of Flash Gitz Yellow (GW) and Ratskin Flesh (GW). The box thing is painted with Abaddon Black (GW).
Step 2:
In the next step I used a diluted wash (1:1 water/wash) of Badab black on the whole base, except the yellow that is washed with diluted Devlan mud (GW). I also painted the box in German Camo Black Brown (Vallejo).
Step 3:
In this step I painted some shades on the top plating, using Black metal (Vallejo), and I re-highlighted the higher parts with Aluminium. The bottom plating was drybrushed with Brass Scorpion (GW). The yellow parts were highlighted along the edges with Flash Gitz Yellow.
Now comes the fun!
Step 4:
Time to bring in the weathering products.
I started by painting the box with Track sidings. I used one solid layer and let it dry. It dried patchy, but I wanted more, so I but on small spots of paint of little areas, making sure to cover the whole area.
Then I took the Rust effect and used it undiluted on the area next to the box. I also diluted it about 50% with water and painted on the edges of the rust effect to get a gradient. I smoothed out the edges after it was dry. But since I liked the pooled effect, I decided to leave it like that.
Lastly, I placed the Verdigris effect, slightly diluted along the corners of the bottom plating. It come across quite strong, so I diluted a bit more and painted it on the edges.
I also placed another highlight on the yellow by mixing Flash Gitz Yellow with white 1:1 mix.
Finishing touches:
Because the verdigris was still a bit too strong for my liking, I took the Brass Scorpion paint again and drybrushed over some parts of the bottom plating.
I painted in a striped pattern using Abaddon Black (GW) with a little dot of Dark Reaper (GW). I highlighted the edges by adding a little bit of white to this mix.
And here is another base that I weathered using Modelmates products. Again I used the rust effect liquid and the track dirt liquid. I also used the mould green liquid mentioned in the previous review.
These products are available at Scenery Workshop.
For more retailers take a look at the Modelmates website. I hope you enjoyed these reviews 🙂 If you have a suggestion for next reviews let me know!
For more retailers take a look at the Modelmates website. I hope you enjoyed these reviews 🙂 If you have a suggestion for next reviews let me know!
Have a nice weekend!!