Ooooh yes, I love this model so much! All the tiny details, makes me feel like a child with a new set of LEGO 🙂
Anyway, I just wanted to share some progress I made on Alice (you can read part one, including some inspiration for the project, HERE). This time, it is mainly details, the part I love 🙂
I painted the apron and started the pink details. I also painted the little bottles on the belt, and I am quite pleased with how they turned out. I wanted to make it look like bottles with coloured liquid, and to have them shiny. I didn’t use any gloss varnish for it.
I also started painting the eyes, but I will have to do some clean-up. I have to stay away from coffee when I paint those ;). I clearly have some more tidying up to do, and many more parts as well!
I hope you enjoy her so far, let me know if you have any comments or suggestions!