Yesterday I finished my empire wizard. I re-did the scythe, added some highlights to his cloth, and gave him a base. First time sculpting 😉 even though it’s still just a rock.So here it is:
Wow it’s been a really long time since I posted anything on this blog. Doesn’t mean I’ve been a couch potato 😉 On the contrary, I started my PhD in…
A few days ago I received a nice package by mail containing a number of boxes with ork boyz/lootas/burnas and so on from Games Workshop. I found an internetshop in…
It’s been a while, mostly due to a very nice holiday in Germany 🙂 So here is my latest work on the second fanatic. It’s almost done, still need to…
Here’s the final result (will probably still make some minor changes): I really like how he turned out, hopefully the other two will match this one 🙂 First Goblin Fanatic…
Just some progress pictures of the first goblin fanatic I’m painting. Blending still gives me some problems, but I guess practice makes perfect! Goblin Fanatic 1 WIP was last modified:…
Taking a little break from painting the Anubi Hero, because I got a great large-sized base of MicroArtStudios from by boyfriend that is perfect for the three night goblin fanatics…